Gong Xi Fatt Choi
Sunday, January 25, 2009
» Olivia
Labels: Activities
Prefect's Installation Day
Saturday, January 24, 2009
You guys look good in your new
Anyways , all the best and good luck !
P/S : In reply to his previous post . The answer is yes Shaun, you are definitely alien !
(this post has been edited with request from the Prefectorial Board)
Labels: Greetings
answers to chatbox questions
thedailyblob: heyoooooooooooo.... when is the IFF this year?
SC: Anything regarding IFF is yet to be confirmed . We will discuss this with Mr Khaw and the presidents of respective clubs .
Ejin: Eh im curious since this is student council wouldnt it better to have a forum rather than a blog?
SC: Thank you for your suggestion. We will definitely consider having a forum and if it benefits the students. At the moment, we are sticking to the blog first and if there is anything that you would like to comment or discuss, you could always put a long comment at the end of a post. On top of that, if you prefer communicating face-to-face, you can always approach any SC executives in school. We don't bite :)
kist: you should have a credits link. JUST SUGGESTING, SHAUN!
SC: for what huh, head prefect?! just kidding, but really, what for? O.o
EdwardCullen: How many sports are the students able to participate in? Eg, if I want to go into 100m, can i also go for Long Jump?
SC: According to the sports rules set by Mr Aru last year, yes you can. However, we would need to clarify with Mr Aru once again just to make sure. We will get back to this issue as soon as possible.
allan@hotmail.com: zzz wad is this ah blog feel so boring 1 de put your msn inside la dude put your picture inside lagi best.
SC: Thank you for your suggestion. We are currently in the midst of updating and putting more information on the blog. However, our e-mail address and MSNs are posted under the profile section if you need to contact us.
LiNg: y this year didnt hv IFF day 1
SC: As mentioned earlier, anything regarding IFF is yet to be confirmed.
LiNg: i hate this year lah,every day so sienz...and the lesson Boring...
SC: We are sorry that you feel this way. However, on the bright side, there are plenty of upcoming events that you can look forward to such as the Hokuryo High School Exchange programme, cross-country run and Sports Day. :)
Phoenix: a few pictures and up coming events would be nice for the blog
SC: Pictures and updates are on the way! :)
Form3: the school fee is keep up raising!! can the school reduce?
SC: We feel your pain. We pay school fees too. Well, on the matter of school fees, we've done research and found out that the Taylor's Education Group can keep its accounts a secret. We can always ask the School to lower the school fees but it's gonna be tough getting the School to actually lower them, without the information about the School accounts.
Form2: Is there anyway to make school activites everyday like japanese schools? It is so boring we need to relax
SC: There are many school activities planned our for the year 2009. However, unfortunately lessons must be carried out as usual. We can try working with the teachers, if you want. But, the academic system in Malaysia is very exam-oriented. So, if you want to get straight As in your SPM/PMR, there isn't much we can do. But, if you have an open and independent mind, and have a real interest in learning about the world, maybe we can move in that direction.
We thank everyone who has left us lovely comments on the chatbox and we hope that you can keep those comments and questions coming, as we all would like to help you guys out in any possible way.
Last but not least, Happy Chinese New Year!
Presidential Stuff Totally Related to Life
Friday, January 23, 2009
Some think I don’t.
Some say that the Council’s life is my life (****, I have to amend the Constitution)
Some say that the Council is taking over me.
Believe me, I know.
Apart from the fact that he’s the first person (usually) to know if a foreign, alien, hostile body is trying to launch a full-scale, all-out invasion on his own life, a Councillor will know when all everyone at a party (that is, if he goes to one) asks him goes along the lines of,
“How’s the Council going?”
Or something like that.
As much as I would like people to believe otherwise, that would be partly true. But, also simultaneously, logically and obviously partly false (****, I’ve got to call Mellissa).
So here’s what I do when I’m not setting deadlines for the Council, typing blog posts or preparing speeches or calling people.
Right now, (other than typing this blog post) I’m drifting aimlessly on the Internet from blog to blog, Wikipedia article to Wikipedia article, etc. etc. That takes up a whole lot of my time (what’s left of my time, I mean). When have time to spare, I watch all sorts of movies. Movies-for-the-guys, chick flicks, historical epics, fantasy epics, historical biopics, fantasy biopics, whatever.
****, I’ve got to check something with Rachel.
I used to play computer games once. Then, I started playing with buddies. Now, no one plays them anymore. They seem to not have the punch in them anymore.
Anyway, that’s a short insight into the things in your President’s life which are totally related to life.
****, I’ve got to compose a Policy Statement.
P.S. Pardon the censoring.
_______________________________________________________________________________Shaun Kua
The President
Students' Council 2009
is currently on a productivity streak which is expected to end pretty soon.
Seize Your SunDay! Movement
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Effective Monday, 5th of January, school will end at 3:30 p.m., half an hour earlier than last year.
This has been confirmed with the School Administration.
Feel free to call Council's Emergency Hotline: 019-6663597 (President Shaun) for extra confirmation.
Spread the news! Get the word out! All you need is to copy and paste this post into your blog!
Seize Your SunDay!
End of Official Newsflash.
Executive Committee 2009!
For the Students, By the Students
Happy 2009 Gardenians!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
That is because during the holidays we've planned loads of activities just for you guys ,so we will be closer to you and make your school life more interesting.
I shall blog about the activities / events that awaits all of you for 2009 in the near future.
Till then ,take care and thank you for all of your support !
Labels: Greetings