Presidential Stuff Totally Related to Life
Friday, January 23, 2009
Some think I don’t.
Some say that the Council’s life is my life (****, I have to amend the Constitution)
Some say that the Council is taking over me.
Believe me, I know.
Apart from the fact that he’s the first person (usually) to know if a foreign, alien, hostile body is trying to launch a full-scale, all-out invasion on his own life, a Councillor will know when all everyone at a party (that is, if he goes to one) asks him goes along the lines of,
“How’s the Council going?”
Or something like that.
As much as I would like people to believe otherwise, that would be partly true. But, also simultaneously, logically and obviously partly false (****, I’ve got to call Mellissa).
So here’s what I do when I’m not setting deadlines for the Council, typing blog posts or preparing speeches or calling people.
Right now, (other than typing this blog post) I’m drifting aimlessly on the Internet from blog to blog, Wikipedia article to Wikipedia article, etc. etc. That takes up a whole lot of my time (what’s left of my time, I mean). When have time to spare, I watch all sorts of movies. Movies-for-the-guys, chick flicks, historical epics, fantasy epics, historical biopics, fantasy biopics, whatever.
****, I’ve got to check something with Rachel.
I used to play computer games once. Then, I started playing with buddies. Now, no one plays them anymore. They seem to not have the punch in them anymore.
Anyway, that’s a short insight into the things in your President’s life which are totally related to life.
****, I’ve got to compose a Policy Statement.
P.S. Pardon the censoring.
_______________________________________________________________________________Shaun Kua
The President
Students' Council 2009
is currently on a productivity streak which is expected to end pretty soon.